Top 5 Causes of Dry Eye

Causes of Dry Eye

Dry eye is a common condition that causes discomfort, irritation, itchiness, and even vision issues. It often occurs when your eyes do not produce enough tears or when the tears are of poor quality. There are various reasons why you may experience dry eye. Fortunately, it is a treatable condition that often resolves quickly with proper eye care and optometry services. Here are five causes of dry eye. Executive Eye Care in Houston, TX, can determine and provide appropriate treatment.

Environmental Factors 

Environmental factors are the most common causes of dry eye. For example, exposure to dry or windy environments can cause your tears to dry quickly, leading to irritation and itchiness in your eyes. Also, smoke from cigarettes or other sources can dry your eyes and irritate them.

Other environmental factors that can cause similar effects include pollution and high altitudes. Consider wearing eye protection devices or using artificial tears to improve dry eye symptoms when exposed to these environmental conditions.


Age is also another factor that can contribute to dry eye. The older you get, the less efficient your tear glands will become at producing tears. Fewer tears mean you cannot keep your eyes properly lubricated and moist. Also, as you age, the composition of your tears might change, leading to dry eye symptoms. To reduce your risk of this condition with age, seek regular optometry services from your optometrist.

Extended Screen Time

The use of digital appliances or gadgets, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets, has become increasingly popular in today’s era. Unfortunately, this extended screen time can contribute to dry eye syndrome.

You tend to blink less frequently when staring at your screen for long hours. This effect can make your tears dry quicker, leading to dry eyes. To avoid this, take frequent breaks between screen times or use artificial tears as your optometrist recommends.

Medical Conditions 

Various medical conditions can cause dry eye, including diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and thyroid disorders. For instance, uncontrolled diabetes can damage the nerves that control tear production, leading to dry eye. Likewise, autoimmune diseases often cause inflammation in your body, leading to decreased tear production and dry eye symptoms. If you have any of these medical conditions, consult your doctor on ways you manage them to prevent dry eye.


Certain medications, such as antihistamines, decongestants, antidepressants, and blood pressure drugs, can cause dry eye symptoms. These medications can reduce tear production or affect the nerves that control tear production.

Other medications that cause similar effects include hormone replacement therapy and certain acne medications. If your medications cause dry eye, talk to your doctor so that he can adjust the dosages to help alleviate your dry eye symptoms. Top of Form

Improve Your Dry Eye Symptoms 

Do not let your dry eye affect your daily life. Instead, seek treatment or consult about ways to manage your symptoms through our best optometrists in Executive Eye Care in Houston, TX. With proper care, you can improve the health of your eyes even as you age. Call us at (713) 225-2600 or book an appointment to alleviate your dry eye symptoms.
